5# Realash eyelash serum


First impression: To be honest, the package reminds me a kind of a medicine that is bought at a pharmacy's. The box is of white colour with light blue stripes on it. Realash eyelash serum has liquid consistency, so I guess, it will be easy to distribute and, I hope, it will not run from eyelids into eyes. I have also heard, that the product may cause irritations, itchy sensation or eyelids redness. The brush itself looks also as being easy to use. It is pointy-ended so I do not expect any obstacles connected with application on eyelash base. Those people, who are acquainted with any eyeliner, will not experience any troubles in terms of the eyelash serum application. The applicators of both products are alike.

Treatment: It underwent smooth, without any bad surprises in form of, for example, irritations. Realash eyelash serum did not run down my eyes and was absorbed just after a while. I had noticed the first effects after a month. And, to be frank, these did not sweep me off my feet. Only as soon as the therapy was about to end, the look of eyelashes' become better. And then was the time when I ran out of Realash eyelash serum and I was not eager to buy another package. In my view, such kind of product should work way faster and better.

Application: Completely trouble-free. Realash eyelash serum is applied as any eyeliner. You just have to draw a thin line. Right after the application, the product is absorbed fast and does not run down into the eyes, which was the issue I was afraid of. The application has to be performed continuously every evening. Naturally, it is crucial to remove eye makeup beforehand because Realash eyelash serum is not able to reach eyelash roots through the layer of cosmetics.

Outcomes: Longer, prettier and thicker eyelashes after the complete course of the treatment. We will not notice any major changes before that. For the time being, the results are holding, my eyelashes are pretty. However, if Realash eyelash serum worked better, it would be great. I was always convinced, that such products improve density of lashes and make these longer and stronger in the first stages of the treatment, so after three or four weeks.

Conclusion: The price of Realash eyelash serum is a little bit too high. It is possible to buy other eyelash serums which do not only cost less but also work better and faster. I thought Realash was the best eyelash serum on the market. Sadly enough, I cannot say that about the cosmetic I was given because it did not fulfill my expectations. Firstly, because the results were produced way too late and I am not sure how long they are going to hold. And secondly, I am not satisfied with the outcomes generated by Realash treatment. I hoped to obtain much longer and denser eyelashes.